Mercedes-Benz is one of the most well-known car manufacturers in the world. However, they’re not immune to their fair share of vehicle problems. While these issues don’t affect everyone that owns a Mercedes-Benz they are fairly common and often considered unique issues that seem to affect their cars more than others.


Old Spark Plugs

Mercedes-Benz vehicles are known to last a lifetime. That’s likely why one of the most common issues we see with Mercedes-Benz cars is ignition failure due to old spark plugs. Spark plugs should be replaced roughly every 80,000 miles to prevent ignition problems. Failing to do so could lead to engine power loss and, in some cases, damage to your vehicle’s components.

Replacing your spark plugs is an easy routine job, so get in touch with us at J&Z Garage and we’d be happy to perform regular maintenance on your Mercedes-Benz to keep it at optimal performance, even if your car is an older model.


Electronic Transmission Oil Leak

Most Mercedes-Benz vehicles manufactured after 1995 will come with an electronic transmission system. However, we’ve noticed that these cars are prone to graphite buildup from the clutches due to an oil leak in the system.

Bring your car to J&Z Garage and we’d be happy to inspect your electronic transmission to see if we can catch a fluid-related issue quickly and solve it before it causes severe damage to your Mercedes-Benz.


Heat-Related Damage

Mercedes-Benz owners in hot regions commonly experience damage to the insulation in the engine harness wires. This is because the heat can cause the insulation to crack, exposing the engine harness wires and potentially leading to engine damage. This isn’t common unless your vehicle is under a lot of stress while also being used in a hot environment.


If you experience issues with your Mercedes-Benz in the summer, then contact J&Z Garage and we’ll perform a full inspection of your engine to see if the insulation has indeed cracked. We’ll repair the damage caused by the heat and also offer solutions to prevent it from happening again in the future.


Rusting Vehicles

One of the main issues with all Mercedes-Benz cars is rust. Even if the car is still running well, you can bet that your car is going to have rust in some places around the body or even in the interior of the car. We’re not entirely sure what causes these rust issues, but we’d chalk it up to low-quality metals that aren’t made to last. Sure, the cars are sturdy and run perfectly fine, but we’d like to see a bit more protection against rust.


Sadly, this is still an issue that affects newer Mercedes-Benz models–if you take a flashlight under the wheels or inspect the bumpers, you’ll probably find signs of rust if your vehicle is at least a year old. These rust issues can easily be solved before they have a chance to impact the car, so don’t hesitate to contact J&Z Garage for an inspection to see if your Mercedes-Benz is starting to rust.